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This border is a tube with transparent background
Click on image to download zipped tube.
Shown at 63% actual size


This border is a tube with transparent background
Click on image to download zipped tube.
Shown at 63% actual size


Here is a frame I made with the border above.
Click on image to download the zipped tube.
Shown at 63% actual size.


This is not a tube. Just right click on image and save to your hard drive.
Ends will match.

This border is a tube with transparent background.
Click on Image to download zipped tube.
Shown at 70% actual size

These three tubes go with the border above.
Click on image to download 3 tubes in 1 zipped file.
Shown at 70% actual size.

This tube shown at 70% actual size.
There is no drop shadow on tube.
Click on image to download zipped tube.

This tube shown at 60% actual size. No drop shadow on 
actual tube. Click on image to download zipped tube.