Right click on tile below and save to your hard drive.

Scroll tube shown 100%


Swag border is a tube.
Click on the image to download the zipped tube.

Below is a SAMPLE of another tube..on the left is what the tube looks
like and on the right is what you can do with it. To make your own
background of a different color..
open a new image..200x200...transparent background.
Select your tube tool and select the wp1scroll tube.
Now click in the very center of your image..at the 100x100 marks
to set the tube. Now copy and paste as New Image. Now add a layer
to the new image..then flood fill it with the color you want in the
background. Now go to the layers dropdown and drag layer 2 down 
below layer 1, this should bring the scroll to the top
Merge All. Now you can use the image for a fill pattern or
for your background on your webpage.
DO NOT try to use the samples below as fills..they will not work.
Click on either one of them to download the zipped tube of the scroll